New Year

Welp, it's 2025 now, but it's also been 4 months since I've last posted here so there's a bit to catch up on.

Since I last posted I finished a college semester, started a new and last college semester before I get my associates, and I've deleted my Twitter. We also got a new U.S. president, saw him inaugurated, and then saw Elon Musk throw a Nazi salute at said inauguration. Insane but anyways.

I've started this year thinking about what exactly to write about on this site. It's always pretty hard to think of things to write about, especially since my idea and vision of this site always changes (which is why this is my third re-design of this thing though I promise I won't go changing it up again). A part of me wants to write about my personal life and my thoughts in the form of journal entries. Another part of me wants to keep the subject of my blogs to my hobbies (I got into the world of stationary big time). Chances are it'll be both depending on my mood but I'll honestly have to see. College doesn't leave a mostly introverted person like me much to write about since I usually end up really busy, and I need to cut back on my spending since I've been doing a lot with my stationary endeavors.

If anything, the thing that messes my brain the most is making a website full of completely random thoughts with reckless abandon, but maybe that's just what I need to do if I want to keep having things to write about. My perfectionism will not kill this thing for even longer than 4 months, I'll tell you that much. Won't let it happen (I say knowing that isn't a solid promise).

I will say I'll be trying to write more about music and art that inspires me whether good or bad. Also, rabbit holes I'll sometimes obsess about if they come to me and I end up deep enough into them to wanna tell someone about them. Fum stuff!

So happy very late New Year and hopefully I'll be writing and posting again soon enough. Also hoping to post more artwork and music this year but like this blog, we'll see. I only have two classes this semester so I might have more free time than I usually have. The only thing is they're both on subjects I've struggled with a lot in the past and I really DON'T want to take another semester on this shit, I am PASSING these both because I AM!!

Bye bye!