Website is A Go!

Hello, I know it's real soon but I'm just about finished with the revamping of my personal website for now. From here on out, all I need is to make header art and a little portrait of myself to put in the About Me section. Gonna take me a minute like everything, but I found that editing together photographs to make stuff quickly wasn't really doing it for me.

Otherwise, the website is out. It can be found at [You're already here], and I'll be blogging there as well as Newgrounds. It's a good thing I finished this too since I want to move onto learning how to make video games. If you haven't guessed, I'm really trying to keep myself busy with programming. This is my last year of college before I come out with an associate's degree and either go find work or get a bachelors (I wanna say go find work though since I'm eager to start learning in the field). I don't have any CS courses this year however, so all this study is basically taking the place of that so I don't get rusty. I'm also gonna look into certifications, but it doesn't seem like anyone recommends them.

Like always, I'll be working on music and art on-and-off throughout the year. I wanna say I have something cooking, but I don't, I'm just going back and forth on stuff. A lot of stuff, as always, is just brewing, but trust me when I say I'm not gonna stop posting music/art. I've mentioned this before, but since I took that long hiatus, I've felt alone out here. Not tryna let that happen again, and more-so, I wanna get to know more people.

Imma keep updating these blogs with new posts, but for now, I hope y'all are having a good day (or night)!

Till next time!
-M. M